Real-time Imaging/Monitoring of Vein during Blood Draw/Collection and Canula Insertion for Infants

Problem Statement: One of the major challenges associated with infant blood test during blood drawing or collection from newborns for diagnosis purpose or during canula insertion is locating the vein accurately. Sometimes, even with skilled hand, accurate locating of the vein becomes challenging and hence insertion of needle is carried out several times with no luck. Therefore, if any device is available that can non-invasively image the vein in real-time for locating the vein accurately would be very helpful for both the patients and caregivers.

Description: In this project, we aim to develop a real-time monitoring device/technology that can image the vein to locate its position accurately. In order to do that, we may require a light wave to incident upon the body and can see through the reflection/refraction image in a LCD display attached to a microcontroller based embedded system which can be programmed as per requirement.

Required Qualifications: The potential candidate is expected to have engineering or relevant technological background to work in this project. Experience to work with microcontroller-based embedded system would be an added advantage, but not mandatory. He/she must have a high passion to contribute to a real-world problem with their skills and knowledge by realizing the current scenario of neonatal heath care in developing countries.

Contact: Dr. Kafiul Islam, Project Supervisor; E-mail: