IEEE IUB Student Branch Organizes PES DLP Seminar on "SMART Power Flow Controllers – A Necessity for Future Power Grid"

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IEEE IUB Student Branch organized a seminar on "SMART Power Flow Controllers – A Necessity for Future Power Grid" on February 2, 2023, on the university campus. The speaker of the seminar was Kalyan K. Sen, PhD, PE, MBA, IEEE Fellow, Fulbright Scholar (U.S.), GIAN Scholar (India), IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer, and President & CTO, Sen Engineering Solutions, Inc. This seminar was initiated by IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Bangladesh Chapter as part of the IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP). In the seminar, the speaker talked about the basic principles of the power flow control theory. He also provided an overview of the most commonly used power flow controllers and future trends. The motivation of the seminar was to give the students the opportunity to hear from an expert who actually designed and commissioned a number of power electronics-based FACTS controllers since their inception in the 1990s. More than 45 students and faculty members from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) actively participated in a lively discussion with the speaker. A token of appreciation was handed over to the speaker by Dr. Md. Abdur Razzak, Professor, Department of EEE, and Dr. Md. Kafiul Islam, Branch Counselor of IEEE IUB SB. Finally, Prof. Shahriar Khan, Department of EEE delivered the vote of thanks.