IEEE IUB Student Branch Volunteers Received Recognition in IEEE BD Section Award Ceremony


IEEE IUB Student Branch Ex-Com led by the Branch Counselor participated in IEEE BDS Appreciation and Award Night 2023 on Saturday, March 18, 2023, at the ECE Building Cafeteria, BUET, Dhaka. Dr. Md. Kafiul Islam, Associate Professor of EEE at IUB and Counselor of IEEE IUB Student Branch received the Outstanding Student Branch Counselor (Honorable Mention); Tazwar Moqsud Nizam, Chair, IEEE IUB Student Branch was awarded the Outstanding Student Volunteer (Honorable Mention); and Aishwarya Roy, Chair, IEEE WIE IUB SB AG got the Women In Engineering (WIE) Outstanding Student Volunteer (Honorable Mention). Dr. Md. Kafiul Islam has served as a dedicated counselor to IEEE IUB Student Branch and his leadership and commitment have been essential in shaping the IEEE IUB Student Branch's success. The awards were given to recognize the efforts and achievements of the student branch volunteers for the year 2022. It is worth mentioning that IEEE IUB SB has organized the highest no. of events and activities among all student branches in the BD Section, i.e. thirty-eight (38) events have been reported in total in the year 2022 at the IEEE vTools (a global IEEE platform for reporting events of student branches). During Dr. Kafiul's tenure as Branch Counselor (since February 2020 till date), the student branch has reported 88 events at IEEE vTools out of 130 in total (more than two-thirds of the total) for IEEE IUB Student Branch since its inception in October 2011. In addition, The representatives of the IEEE IUB Student Branch won the 3rd position in the interactive competition on Climate Change & Sustainability at IEEE Bangladesh Section Appreciation & Award Night. The awardees were handed over the certificates by the Chair of the IEEE BD Section, Prof. Moshiul Hoque during another event of IEEE Bangladesh Section Award Winners’ Forum, held on 07 April 2023 at IEB Council Hall, Ramna, Dhaka. Among all Ex-Com members of the IEEE BDSection, Prof. Shahriar Khan from Dept. of EEE, IUB and Conference Coordinator of IEEE BDS 2023 was also present at the occasion. To see the events organized by IEEE IUB SB and reported at IEEE vTools, one may follow the link below: