  • 03 Nov
  • 2016

EEE Department hosts Alumni Dinner 2016

The Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) department of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) hosted an alumni dinner at IUB Food Court on 3rd November, 2016. Prof. M. Omar Rahman, Vice Chancellor of IUB was the …

  • 21 Oct
  • 2016

IUB’s NAO Robot Greets PM at Digital World 2016

During the recent (19-21 October, 2016) "Digital World 2016" Fair, IUB was invited by the event organizers to participate and demonstrate NAO robot to the visitors. On this occasion, this robot cordially requested the …

  • 08 Oct
  • 2016

IUB Participates in IEEE SAC Chairs, Counselors and Mentors Meet Held at BUET

IEEE Independent University, Bangladesh Student Branch (IEEE IUB SB) participated in the IEEE SAC Chairs, Counselors and Mentors Meet 2016 held at Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology on the 8th October 2016. A …

  • 05 Oct
  • 2016

EEE Department hosts a Seminar on “Brain Machine Interface”

A seminar on “Brain Machine Interface: A Translational Neural Engineering Technology for Treatment and Rehabilitation of Neural Disorders” was held at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) …

  • 24 Sep
  • 2016

Workshop on PSPICE, PSIM and MATLAB

IEEE IUB Student Branch organized a 2-day workshop on PSPICE, PSIM and MATLAB at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Independent University, Bangladesh on 22 and 24 September, 2016. The workshop was officially …

  • 02 Sep
  • 2016

EEE Student becomes Champion in Quiz Competition at Esonance 2016 held at IUT

Summit Sayem, a student from the Electrical & Electronic Engineering (EEE) Department of Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) won the 1st prize in Quiz Competition at the inter-university competition Esonance 2016 held at Islamic University …

  • 27 Aug
  • 2016

IEEE IUB Student Branch Attends the IEEE Region 10 Congress 2016 in India

Dr. Mustafa Habib Chowdhury, Assistant Professor of EEE department at IUB and the Counselor of IEEE IUB Student Branch attended the IEEE Region 10 Student, Young Professionals, Women in Engineering, Life Member Congress (SWYLM …

  • 26 Aug
  • 2016

MJIIT - UTM to Accept Students in Second Year of Electrical and Systems Engg.

The Dean, SECS, Prof. S. Khan visited Malaysia Japan International Instt. of Technology (University Technologi Malaysia meeting his counterpart, the Dean of MJIIT Prof Datin Yousuf. The meeting was also attended by two deputy …

  • 21 Aug
  • 2016

EEE Student Wins the 1st Runner Up Best Speaker Award in the Debate Fest 2016 at Dhaka University

Farseem Riasat, a 2nd year student of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE) of Independent University Bangladesh (IUB) won the 1st Runner up Best Speaker Award in the English Public Speaking Competitions …